5 Ways Roofers Can Handle the Labor Shortage

roofing contractor performing labor on a commercial roof project

Why is it so challenging to find skilled labor as a roofer? The job has many benefits, from being outside in the fresh air all day to the satisfaction of knowing you helped to protect someone’s home. Still, few people think of roofing as an option for them, which means it can be a real struggle to bring new people into the trade and keep them. Getting a better handle on your hiring efforts is necessary, and here’s how you can do it.

1. Consider Where You’re Posting

Most companies find their employees through online job aggregators, such as Indeed. Using every major job poster is a wise idea, but it may not be enough. Sometimes, you can find more success if you post on niche websites where those who might consider roofing as a career are more likely to be looking. You should post on local DIY forums, tradespeople forums, and other spots where people who like to work with their hands may be hiding.

2. Referrals

Chances are that your employees know someone who needs work. As they work for you, your employees are well-suited to explain the merits of the job to their friends and family. Encourage your employees to recruit for you by offering them a referral bonus for every person they bring to you. 

To reduce the cost, only pay out the referral bonus if the new employee stays with you for six months, or whatever time range work for your business. Remember that if the employee works out, you’re saving on the cost of hiring someone new, and the referral bonus should be cheaper than that.

3. Limit Your Hiring

It can be exhausting and frustrating to hire and train people constantly. While you may have no choice but to take on this cost when it comes to getting more roofers, you don’t have to hire people to fulfill other roles in your business.

  • Accounting: You can use an accountant who runs their own business instead of hiring one of your own.
  • Receptionist: Virtual receptionists are more convenient without sacrificing quality. Plus, you don’t need to worry about their vacation or benefits.
  • Marketing: Outside marketing firms can handle your advertising strategy and execution.

4. Partner with Community Resources

In your local area, there may be charities and government organizations that find work for specific groups of people, including veterans, parents re-entering the workforce, and those whose last employer laid them off. Partnering with any of these groups can help you find a steady supply of candidates who may appreciate the opportunities in the roofing industry.

5. Invest in the Future

Our last strategy to help roofers combat the labor shortage is a long-term one. You can help change the perception of roofing and encourage more people to think of roofing as an option. Promote roofing at your local high school and give roofing information seminars to new graduates and clients. The more people that are interested in roofing, the larger your future labor pool will be.

Need More Help?

Our answering service for roofers can help you expand your capacity without hiring new employees. Call any time to learn more or get started with a free trial.

By Published On: August 12, 2020Categories: Front Office SolutionsComments Off on 5 Ways Roofers Can Handle the Labor Shortage

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